

All events at bailastudio

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Level 1

Our Forró beginner course takes place on Tuesdays at fabric. Here, you will learn the basic steps and get an introduction into the world of Forró. Beware, Forró is addictive!

Level 2

In the Level 2 course, we build on the basics and expand your repertoire of movements in the styles of Forró Universitário and Forró Roots. You will learn different rhythms and concepts in partner dance. The focus is on understanding your own body as well as approaching initial dance techniques. After this course, you will be well-prepared to have a lot of fun on the dance floor. The course takes place on Thursdays at fabric.

Level 3

For the Level 3 course, you should have at least six months of dance experience. Level 3 is an ongoing course, where varied figures and sequences are introduced throughout the 24-week duration of each unit. Therefore, dancers with many years of experience who want to learn new concepts or expand their repertoire are also welcome. After completing the Level 3 course, your dance partners will feel secure in your arms. You will be able to interpret the music with movements, maintain your balance, isolate body movements, dance to different rhythms, and gain initial insights into backleading. The course takes place on Mondays at fabric.

Level 4

The Level 4 course is designed for forrozeir@s with a minimum of one year of dance experience. In this course, we will dive deeply into technique – this class is made for the Forró nerds of us ;-) Mastery of basics such as posture, embrace, our body axis, and balance in open dance positions as well as during turns should be very well internalized at this stage. Challenging sequences will be taught, with a focus on agility, musicality and connection, applying various corpos de dança (dance bodies). Additionally, we emphasize finding and solidifying your own dance style at this level. The course takes place on Mondays at fabric.

Samba de Gafieira

Level 1

In the Level 1 class, you will learn the basic movements and figures of Samba de Gafieira, as well aIn the Level 1 class, you will learn the basic movements and figures of Samba de Gafieira and get your first insights into technique and building a good connection with your dance partner. The class takes place on Mondays from 18:30h to 19:30h in cooperation with Gafieira Aachen e.V. at Minoritenstraße. You can book a membership for weekly classes, our dance flat rate, or a 10-class card to attend our courses.


Level 1

In our Zouk Level 1 course, we aim to lay the foundation for traditional Brazilian Zouk, as this is the basis for all other styles. The Level 1 course is designed as a "fast track into Zouk" for dancers with experience and takes place on Thursdays at fabric. (New course start: February 2025) You can book a membership for weekly classes, our dance flat rate, or a 10-class card to attend our courses.


Each yoga block lasts 4 weeks and focuses on a specific style of yoga with a different emphasis. The yoga class alternates with the Fitness for Dancers class every four weeks on Wednesday evenings at fabric. You can book a membership for weekly classes (bailasports), our dance flat rate, or a 10-class card to attend our courses.

Fitness for Dancers

In the Fitness for Dancers course, we focus on balance, endurance, core strength, coordination and flexibility - to keep our bodies healthy, ensuring that we can dance for many years. Here, we will perform targeted exercises to strengthen our muscles, discuss proper body posture during dance and in everyday life, and exchange ideas on topics such as healthy nutrition and mental well-being. Those who dance a lot should always listen to their bodies and pay attention to a well-balanced training routine. The Fitness for Dancers class alternates with the Yoga class every four weeks on Wednesday evenings at fabric.